Authorized Dealers Dealer Warranty FormWARRANTY CLAIM FORMOnly claims for products that qualify under warranty will be permitted. Heaters purchased within 24 months from the date the customer reports a claim to the Dealer will qualify for warranty. *Rates and program is subject to change.Dealer InformationCompanyStreet AddressCityState or ProvinceZip CodeCountryCanadaUnited States (US)First NameLast NamePhoneEmailWhat is your reimbursement method preference? Please have my distributor credit my account. Please send us a check to the address listed above.Warranty Repair DetailsModel Under Warranty Claim SF80 SF120 SF150Provide the serial number for the heater repaired under warranty.Labor hours for initial diagnostics .25 Hr. .5 Hr. .45 .Hr 1 Hr.Labor hours for final testing .25 Hr. .5 Hr.If you need to add more time for diagnostics or testing, you will be able to add labor time below but this will need to be explained in order to receive additional labor payment.What is your hourly labor rate. (Numbers Only)$SF80 Warranty Labor Schedule SF120 Warranty Labor Schedule SF150 Warranty Labor Schedule Please check all items that have been replaced under warranty. Nozzle: .25 Hr. Fuel Pump: .5 Hr. Blower: .5 Hr. Primary Control: .5 Hr. Ignitor:.5 Hr. Electrodes: .5 Hr. Pressure Switch: .25 Hr. Tip Switch: .5 Hr. Prime Switch: .25 Hr. Power Switch: .25 Hr. Flame Sensor / CAD Cell: .5 Hr. Reset Button: .25 Hr. Dome Face (Includes Dome Gasket: .5 Hr. Cone Insulation: .5 Hr. Voltage Regulator: .5 Hr. Fuel Line Hose: .25 Hr. Leg / Foot Pad Assembly: .25 Hr. Leg / Wheel / Axle Assembly: .25 Hr. Fuel Tank: 1 Hr. Heat Shield: .25 Hr. Visor: .15 Hr. Upper Tube Assembly: .25 Hr. Burner (Full): .5 Hrs. Final Testing: .25 Hr.Please check all items that have been replaced under warranty. Nozzle: .25 Hr. Fuel Pump: .5 Hr. Blower: .5 Hr. Primary Control: .5 Hr. Ignitor:.5 Hr. Electrodes: .5 Hr. Pressure Switch: .25 Hr. Tip Switch: .5 Hr. Prime Switch: .25 Hr. Power Switch: .25 Hr. Flame Sensor / CAD Cell: .5 Hr. Reset Button: .25 Hr. Dome Face (Includes Dome Gasket: .5 Hr. Cone Insulation: .5 Hr. Fuel Line Hose: .25 Hr. Leg / Foot Pad Assembly: .25 Hr. Leg / Wheel / Axle Assembly: .25 Hr. Fuel Tank: 1 Hr. Heat Shield: .25 Hr. Visor: .15 Hr. Upper Tube Assembly: .25 Hr. Burner (Full): .5 Hrs.Please check all items that have been replaced under warranty. Nozzle: .5 Hr. Fuel Pump: 1 Hr. Blower: 1Hr Blower Wheel: 1 Hr. Motor: 1 Hr. Primary Control: .5 Hr. Ignitor: .5 Hr. Electrodes: .5 Hr. Pressure Switch: .25 Hr. Tip Switch: .45 Hr. Prime Switch: .5 Hr. Power Switch: .25 Hr. High/Low Switch: .25 Hr. Flame Sensor / CAD Cell: .5 Hr. Reset Button: .25 Hr. Dome Face (Includes Dome Gasket: .5 Hr. Cone Insulation: .5 Hr. Fuel Line Hose: .25 Hr. Leg / Foot Pad Assembly: .25 Hr. Leg / Wheel / Axle Assembly: .25 Hr. Fuel Tank: 1 Hr. Heat Shield: .25 Hr. Visor Shroud Assembly: .5 Hr. Upper Tube Assembly: .25 Hr. Burner (Full): .5 Hrs.Were there other labor hours incurred not listed above? NO YESAdditional Labor HoursHoursPlease explain the details that justify payment for the additional labor hours. Where did you receive the replacement parts? From our own inventory. Received free parts from SunFire.List your total cost for parts from your own inventory.$Toal Claim AmountTOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $Upload any files or images to help support this claim. (Helpful for larger claims.)Choose File Additional details you would like to share?Submit Claim